A downloadable soundtrack

Also viewable on Soundcloud: https://on.soundcloud.com/QU18VGUr77ocZWVx6

- Description of entry
Looking at the art given along with the theme being "Inside My World", it was hard to imagine it as anything that didn't involve dreams. with that mindset in stone, we set towards making a three-piece soundtrack that could capture some of the things you might experience when you're the one in control of the things you dream. We both used FL studio to allow us to bounce tracks between each other easily. Fiz handled most of the mixing, while I paid care to the melodies. It's honestly a team-up we should do more often.

- Runtime: 9:35

- Theme: 
Lucid Dreams / Dreamscape

- How does it fit the theme?
Going a slower pace for two of the songs allows for you to put more care into the silence between the notes, and when you're ready to speed it up, you can hit it hard. Dreams allow for anything to be fair game, but when trying to convey that message, we opted to show that we could control the idea of being in a dream that you had control over, quality over quantity.

- Link to streaming service of your choice

InfernalBraxia's Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/infernalbraxia
InstaFiz's Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/InstaFiz

- Soundtrack use permission, would you like others to be able to use your soundtrack?Of course, just give proper credit!

- Your contact information

(InfernalBraxia) https://x.com/IBraxia
(InstaFiz) https://x.com/InstaFiz

(InfernalBraxia) https://infernalbraxia.itch.io/
(InstaFiz) https://instafiz.itch.io/


awake in sleep.wav 38 MB
who said i had to pay to buy things in a dream.wav 18 MB

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